Protecting workers’ rights and human dignity in the social sector

Trade Union of Hungarian Social Workers
Pest megye

Those employed in the social sector face numerous aggrievements and are vulnerable, although their work is crucial and indispensable. The aim of the initiative is to help them recognise aggrievements and their employers’ actions that infringe their human dignity, and to provide tools to stand up against these trespasses.

The union draws attention to workplace aggrievements via campaigns and the tools workplace unions can use to counter them. The affected people recruited in the campaign will participate in a training and mentoring process in order to become able to organise themselves, and bring positive changes together. The participants will acquire methods of union organising and knowledge about good practice, provided by the Polish partner’s (COZZ) experts.

This project adopts this international methodology into Hungarian practice, supports establishing new organisations and implementing local union actions, and will make the lessons and outcomes widely accessible to the public.

  • Grant category
    In partnership
  • Grant awarded
  • Place of implementation
  • Scheduled start
    2023. 07. 01.
  • Webpage
  • Bevont partnerek
    Central European Organising Center