Our Common Values Programme



We welcome civil society organizations committed to democracy, human rights and the rule of law to submit their proposals!

The aim of the programme is to create cohesive and active communities by supporting civil soicety organizations to work together form new partnerships, develop as organisations, expand their methodological knowledge and organize campaigns to move their cause forward. The call for proposals is open to projects that will help ensure that everyone in Hungary can enjoy their rights, participate in shaping their own lives and have a say in our common affairs, regardless of where they come from, how they think or what their circumstances are. The three pillars of the programme are:


In partnership, in development, in action!





Rapid intervention (action) grants

The call is open to Hungarian CSOs to support campaigns and actions of short duration to tackle a current social problem and help us all to live up to our rights guaranteed in the European Union. The call is open, proposals can be submitted with no deadline.

Action grants - Call for proposals


Questions are welcome via our contact form, available after registration in the CONTACT ("kapcsolatfelvétel") menu.






To search all supported projects find them here. 


Selection results - "In Development+" call for proposals


At the beginning of June, the evaluation of the applications received for the Our Common Values Programme "In Development+" call for proposals was completed. The call was preceded by a six-month training series to help interested citizen groups prepare and turn good ideas into high-quality proposals.

The aim of the "In Development+" call is to enable civil society organizations

  • to take effective action on the issues that matter to them
  • to implement their ideas together
  • and grow as an organisation.

A total of 124 applications were received of which 31 were selected with a total amount  of €574 404.

The Selection Committee also decided to offer 12 rejected applicants the opportunity to consult about their proposals and resubmit them at a later deadline.

RESULTS - The selected proposals are:


"In Development+" - call for proposals

(in English)


Selection results: "Youth for Values" Study Trips


On 5 February 2024, the Selection Committee of the "Our Union Values" Programme met the applicants of the call. The committee - made up of the directors of the three foundations implementing the programme and an independent expert - based on external experts' evalutions, decided to support 6 applications of 15, totaling EUR 30 000,00.

Successful applicants were informed about the decision, incl. further details of contracting, and have been working on travel and communication plans with their programme officer. Rejected applicants were also e-mailed the detailed decision and their scores.

The call supports young people to travel in the EU, explore civil best practices and collect ideas. Their goal is to raise awareness for their cause through EU values and rights, and share their experience with Hungarian civil society.


"Youth for values" - results 

(only in Hungarian)

Youth for values - Call for proposals

(in English)


"In development+" training series 


Until 18 September 2023, a total of 63 applications were submitted for the training series "In Development+", 55 eligible organisations were notified of the results in writing. The six-month training series helped interested citizen groups prepare and turn good ideas into high-quality proposals for the next round of calls.

They identified resources, improved management skills, built their organizational capacities and shifted focus from activities to effect.

The Commitee's decision was based on the need to give organisations an opportunity, that are likely to make the best use of the knowledge they have acquired, beyond the scope of the Programme.


"In development+" trainings - selection results

(only in Hungarian)

"In development+" trainings - call for proposals

(only in Hungarian)


The first calls of the Union Values Programme have closed


The deadline for CSOs to submit their applications to the first calls of Union Values Programme was 2 pm on 20 March 2023.

The call for applications was open to cohesive and active civil society organisations that  committed themselves to building new partnerships, developing as organisations, and expanding their methodological knowledge while implementing concrete campaigns. 

The first calls of the three-year programme were named "In Partnership" and "In Development" and were open to applications via the dedicated online interface on the kozosertekeink.hu website. A total of 310 applications were received by the deadline.

Of these, 120 were submitted in the ‘In Partnership’ category. Here we expect applications from larger, more experienced CSOs, active at national or regional level which commit to work with smaller, rural organisations to share their knowledge and skills and to implement joint projects together with them to protect, promote and raise awareness about European values and rights. The maximum grant available in this category will be € 60 000 for projects lasting 12-24 months.

190 applications have been submitted in the ‘In Development’ category, which aims to support smaller CSOs, mainly operating outside the capital which, while working on European values, would also focus on their own internal development and improve their operation. The maximum grant available in this category will be € 20 000 for projects lasting up to two years.

After receiving the applications, the staff of the organisations implementing the Union Values Programme - Ökotárs Foundation, Autonomia Foundation, Carpathian Foundation-Hungary and the Hungarian Association for Community Development - will examine whether the applicants meet the formal requirements. Each application will then be sent to two external evaluators, who were also selected by the intermediary through an open call for applications from among more than 50 applicants. The evaluators will score the proposals against the 9 criteria set out in the call for proposals and provide a written evaluation of the proposals, listing their strengths and weaknesses.

The ranking, based on the average of the scores of the evaluators, will be judged by a committee consisting of the head of the Ökotárs Foundation, Autonomia Foundation, Carpathian Foundation-Hungary and an external expert, which will make the final decision about the applications to be supported, to be expected at the end of May. After that, the organisers will notify each applicant individually about the result.

After the first two calls for proposals, another call will be launched soon: in early April, we will also open the call for proposals for action, so that citizens can continuously apply for actions, advocacy and mobilisation activities responding to current issues and acute problems over the next year and a half. These smaller-scale, shorter campaigns are also open to organisations applying under the current call for proposals, up to a maximum total of € 60 000.

The Union Values Programme is supported by the European Union's Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme, which aims to strengthen and promote European values by supporting civil society in the EU Member States.


Results of the first call for proposals

Call for proposals and guidelines


The deadline for submitting applications was 20 March 2023 (14:00). Results of the call are available on the link above

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