The evaluation of the 311 applications received in the first call for proposals of the Our Union Values Programme was completed in early June. Based on the opinion and scores of the external evaluators, the Selection Committee, composed of the directors of the three foundations implementing the programme and an external civil society expert decided about the proposals to be supported. The Representation of the European Commission in Hungary also attended the Selection Committee meeting as an observer.
- From among 120 applications received in the "In Partnership" category, 18 were selected for a total amount of € 1 021 800.
- In the category "Development", 25 out of 190 applications were selected for a total amount of € 472 469.*

*(Due to administrative reasons, the number of applications funded was incorrectly reported on the website after the decision was taken, altogether 26 projects was funded in the "Development" category.)
A new two-stage call for proposals will also be launched later this summer with the goal to support smaller, less experienced CSOs, or those that were rejected in the first call to become able to developwell thought-out plans that meet the objectives of the programme and promise real results. To this end, the first stage will be open to organisations that commit to participate in a six-month development process of training and consultation. In the second stage, expected early next year, they will be invited to submit their full proposals for funding that are the result of this process.
Our call for action (quick intervention) projects is continuously open as well!